Tag: State House

NH House Rejects Bill to Expand School Vouchers, Public Education Advocates Praise Vote

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Thursday, June 13, 2024 Media Contacts Linds Jakows Communications Director, Granite State Progress Sara Persechino Communications Coordinator, NEA-New Hampshire NH House Rejects Bill to Expand School Vouchers, Public Education Advocates Praise Vote Educators, Parents, Public… Read More

NH House Votes Down Two Bills to Expand School Vouchers, Passes Household Income Eligibility Cap from 350% to 500% of Federal Poverty Guidelines

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Thursday, February 8, 2024 Media Contact Linds Jakows Communications Director, Granite State Progress 603-568-7002 or linds@granitestateprogress.org NH House Votes Down Two Bills to Expand School Vouchers, Passes Household Income Eligibility Cap from 350% to 500% of… Read More

“People’s Budget” Coalition Urges NH Senate, House, to Pass State Budget That Invests In People and Communities

Organizations call for a state budget that invests in our communities’ health, education, recovery, opportunity, and vitality

NH House Indefinitely Postpones Bill That Would Have Forcibly “Outed” LGBTQ+ Students

Group of LGBTQ+, public education, health care, and child welfare advocates celebrate defeat of SB 272, forced outing of LGBTQ+ student bill that targeted transgender students

Advocates Declare “Victory for Questioning and LGBTQ+ Students”

Department of Education and State Board of Education Fail to Publicize Public Listening Sessions on 306 Rules Academic Standards Re-Draft, Public Education Advocates Work to Fill Gaps

Public listening sessions are scheduled, but not publicly advertised by Department of Education or the State Board of Education; Public education advocates continue to call for stronger transparency and public process

Preventable Gun Violence Tragedy in Tennessee Underscores Urgency of Passing Gun Violence Prevention Policies Across U.S., Including New Hampshire

With weaker gun laws than Tennessee, inaction is no longer an option for New Hampshire’s people and policymakers 

Statement on NH House Vote on HB 351, Safe Storage of Firearms

HB 351 promotes safe storage of firearms to protect children and communities; it is the latest gun violence prevention bill to be shot down by the Republican-led NH state legislature this year, stifling progress to create safer communities and save lives

NH Gun Violence Prevention Coalition Statement Following House Votes on Background Checks, Gun Free Schools, Extreme Risk Protection Orders, and Partial State Nullification

HB 59 would close background check loopholes, HB 32 keeps guns out of our schools, HB 106 passes an extreme risk protection order, and HB 78 repeals Sununu’s partial state nullification bill from last session

Public Education Advocates Request the Department of Education to Halt 306 Rules Revision Until Clear Public Process and Timeline Established

Professional educators, parents, and community leaders from some of the state’s leading public education organizations have signed a joint letter requesting the New Hampshire Department of Education and the NH State Board of Education to halt the current 306 Rules revision process until a more transparent and inclusive public process and timeline is established for the consequential rules. 

Film Director of Civil War (Or, Who Do We Think We Are?) to Join NH Education and Racial Justice Leaders for Film Screening and Panel Discussion on Tuesday, September 27th at Red River Theatres

Film explores how Americans portray the story of the Civil War across the nation, and the ongoing impacts on society, public education, and racial justice