HB 478 would update New Hampshire’s existing nondiscrimination laws—which currently protect people from discrimination at work, in housing, and in places open to the public—to also protect people who are transgender. This is important because right now there are no express protections in New Hampshire to prevent a transgender person from being fired from their job, denied an apartment or denied service in a restaurant, and otherwise discriminated against simply because of who they are. No one should have to live in fear that they will be unfairly fired, evicted from their home, or refused service at a public place simply because of who they are. Granite State Progress supports HB 478, along with several other groups including the NH Chiefs of Police Association, NH Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence, Business & Industry Association of New Hampshire, and more.
Listen to Powerful Testimony in Support of HB 478
Granite State Progress teamed up with Freedom New Hampshire to create short videos of transgender people and other supporters on why New Hampshire should pass HB 478 – you can listen to those powerful personal testimonies here. Then take one of the urgent action steps below.
Take Action: Send a letter to your State Representatives on HB 478
Do this now – House floor vote expected Wednesday, March 8th or Thursday, March 9th! The House committee overwhelmingly supported the bill but House Leadership is currently considering tabling it. Your calls and emails are urgently needed! Take action now: Send a letter to your State Representatives on HB 478.
Visibility for #TransBillNH House Vote – Wear Green!
Hosted by our friends at Freedom New Hampshire and Rights and Democracy NH (RAD NH). This is the last chance to show support for transgender rights before the full House vote. Bring a sign or use one of ours, and wear green to show solidarity. Floor vote will likely be late Wednesday or early Thursday and constituents can watch from the House gallery.
Visibility for #TransBillNH House Vote
Wednesday, March 8th from 8:30 – 9:30 AM
NH State House, 107 N. Main Street, Concord
To learn more about HB 478 or the effort to pass it, visit Freedom New Hampshire.
Support Transgender Non-Discrimination in the Granite State
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Last Updated: March 7, 2017 by Granite State Progress
HB 478 would update New Hampshire’s existing nondiscrimination laws—which currently protect people from discrimination at work, in housing, and in places open to the public—to also protect people who are transgender. This is important because right now there are no express protections in New Hampshire to prevent a transgender person from being fired from their job, denied an apartment or denied service in a restaurant, and otherwise discriminated against simply because of who they are. No one should have to live in fear that they will be unfairly fired, evicted from their home, or refused service at a public place simply because of who they are. Granite State Progress supports HB 478, along with several other groups including the NH Chiefs of Police Association, NH Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence, Business & Industry Association of New Hampshire, and more.
Listen to Powerful Testimony in Support of HB 478
Granite State Progress teamed up with Freedom New Hampshire to create short videos of transgender people and other supporters on why New Hampshire should pass HB 478 – you can listen to those powerful personal testimonies here. Then take one of the urgent action steps below.
Take Action: Send a letter to your State Representatives on HB 478
Do this now – House floor vote expected Wednesday, March 8th or Thursday, March 9th! The House committee overwhelmingly supported the bill but House Leadership is currently considering tabling it. Your calls and emails are urgently needed! Take action now: Send a letter to your State Representatives on HB 478.
Visibility for #TransBillNH House Vote – Wear Green!
Visibility for #TransBillNH House Vote
Wednesday, March 8th from 8:30 – 9:30 AM
NH State House, 107 N. Main Street, Concord
To learn more about HB 478 or the effort to pass it, visit Freedom New Hampshire.
Category: Uncategorized Tags: jasper, LGBT+, State House
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