Inaugural NH Guns to Gardens Event Helps Granite Staters Remove 31 Unwanted Firearms from Circulation, Including AR-15

GunSense NH volunteer uses a chop saw to disable a firearm

Inaugural NH Guns to Gardens Event Helps Granite Staters Remove 31 Unwanted Firearms from Circulation, Including AR-15

*** Pictures and short video/audio available by request ***

GunSense NH, NH Council of Churches, Kent Street Coalition, and other members of the NH Gun Violence Prevention Coalition offered opportunity for Granite Staters to safely dispose of unwanted guns without putting them back out on the market; giveback gun program is the first New Hampshire event of national effort

CONCORD, NH – During a “Guns to Gardens” event in Concord today, gun violence prevention advocates helped community members remove 31 unwanted firearms from circulation, including an AR-15.

“Many Americans are realizing that having a firearm in the home can increase the chances of someone creating harm to themselves or others,” said Nancy Brown, Guns to Gardens Project Coordinator for GunSense NH, a project of Granite State Progress. “I’m excited that Gun Sense NH and our coalition partners are sponsoring the first of what, we hope, will become an annual Guns to Gardens event. These events provide the opportunity for unwanted guns to be permanently taken out of circulation, making our homes and communities safer places to live, work, go to school, and play.”

“We are at a watershed moment in this country when it comes to preventing gun violence,” said Rev. Heidi Carrington Heath, Executive Director of the New Hampshire Council of Churches. “It should be easier to get rid of unwanted guns, and when laws prevent that, we must do it ourselves. This event is a step toward creating a world with fewer guns, and less gun violence.”

The event was hosted by GunSense NH, a project of Granite State Progress, the NH Council of Churches, Kent Street Coalition, and other members of the NH Gun Violence Prevention Coalition. Concord Wesley United Methodist Church in Concord provided the space for the event.

Nationally, Guns to Gardens events provide the opportunity for gun owners to bring their unwanted firearms to a location for volunteers to provide the service of disabling those firearms and turning them into garden tools. Under state law, New Hampshire law enforcement officials are prohibited from destroying firearms which come into their possession and must either store the firearms, use them, or sell them back out on the market. Guns to Gardens provides an opportunity for Granite Staters to remove unwanted firearms from circulation.

Interested community members brought unloaded firearms in the trunk of a car or the bed of a truck and remained in the vehicle at all times. Guns were removed from vehicles by trained volunteers, double checked and disarmed, and then delivered to a chop saw operator who disabled the firearm. Scrap metal from the firearms was then donated and will next go to a metal artist to be later transformed into garden tools and other works of art. The event had a steady flow of community members all day long, with the first cars lining up at 10 am as the event opened.

“This effort is a great opportunity for Granite Staters who want to remove unwanted firearms from their homes without putting them back out on the market,” said Zandra Rice Hawkins, director of GunSense NH, a project of Granite State Progress. “We are excited that so many people came out to our first Guns to Gardens event with the goal to reduce unwanted firearms in our homes and instead transform them into something more useful, and less harmful, to our community.”

Two former members of law enforcement check a firearm to ensure it is ready to be dismantled
Two former members of law enforcement check a firearm to ensure it is ready to be dismantled
GunSense NH volunteer uses a chop saw to disable a firearm
GunSense NH volunteer uses a chop saw to disable a firearm
GunSense NH volunteer holds a piece of a disabled firearm post-chop saw
GunSense NH volunteer holds a piece of a disabled firearm post-chop saw
A box of scrap metal and material from unwanted firearms disable during the Guns to Gardens event
A box of scrap metal and material from unwanted firearms disable during the Guns to Gardens event


About the NH Gun Violence Prevention Coalition: The NH Gun Violence Prevention Coalition has worked together for the last decade to protect and advance common sense public safety laws. Members include gun violence prevention advocates, moms, medical professionals, gun owners, veterans, law enforcement, elected officials, school administrators, educators, students, and faith leaders, and organizations representing various constituencies.  The coalition is convened by GunSense NH, a project of Granite State Progress.

About Guns to Gardens: Guns to Gardens is hosted by GunSense NH, a project of Granite State Progress, the NH Council of Churches, Kent Street Coalition, and other partners. The first Guns to Gardens began as a project of New Mexicans to Prevent Gun Violence and has grown into a nationwide effort to reduce the number of unwanted guns (and thereby gun deaths) in our country.  Supporting organizations include RAWtools, The Presbyterian Peace Fellowship, and the Gun Safety Alliance.

NH Guns to Gardens Event Allows Granite Staters to Turn Unwanted Firearms Into Garden Tools

Image of two guns with trees growing out of them; Text: Guns to Gardens; Subtext: Transforming unwanted guns into garden tools; Logos for GunSense NH, a project of Granite State Progress, NH Council of Churches, and the Kent Street Coalition

NH Guns to Gardens Event Allows Granite Staters to Turn Unwanted Firearms Into Garden Tools

*** Media Advisory for Saturday, June 10th ***

NH Guns to Gardens Event Allows Granite Staters to Turn Unwanted Firearms Into Garden Tools

GunSense NH, NH Council of Churches, Kent Street Coalition, and other members of the NH Gun Violence Prevention Coalition offer opportunity for Granite Staters to safely dispose of unwanted guns without putting them back out on the market; giveback gun program is the first New Hampshire event of national effort

CONCORD, NH – On Saturday, June 10th from 10 am to 2 pm, GunSense NH, a project of Granite State Progress, the NH Council of Churches, Kent Street Coalition, and other members of the NH Gun Violence Prevention Coalition will host a “Guns to Gardens” event at the Concord Wesley United Methodist Church in Concord.

Guns to Gardens provides the opportunity for gun owners to bring their unwanted firearms to a location for volunteers to provide the service of disabling those firearms and turning them into garden tools. Under state law, New Hampshire law enforcement officials are prohibited from destroying firearms which come into their possession and must either store the firearms, use them, or sell them back out on the market.  Guns to Gardens provides an opportunity for Granite Staters to remove unwanted firearms from circulation.

“This is a great opportunity for Granite Staters who want to remove unwanted firearms from their homes without putting them back out on the market,” said Zandra Rice Hawkins, director of GunSense NH, a project of Granite State Progress. “We are thrilled to bring Guns to Gardens to our state to reduce unwanted firearms in our homes and instead transform them into something more useful, and less harmful, to our community.”

“Many Americans are realizing that having a firearm in the home can increase the chances of someone creating harm to themselves or others,” said Nancy Brown, Guns to Gardens Project Coordinator. “I’m excited that Gun Sense NH and our coalition partners are sponsoring the first of what, we hope, will become an annual Guns to Gardens event. This event provides the opportunity for unwanted guns to be permanently taken out of circulation, making our homes and communities safer places to live, work, go to school, and play.”

“We are at a watershed moment in this country when it comes to preventing gun violence,” said Rev. Heidi Carrington Heath, Executive Director of the New Hampshire Council of Churches. “It should be easier to get rid of unwanted guns, and when laws prevent that, we must do it ourselves. This event is a step toward creating a world with fewer guns, and less gun violence.”

To participate, interested community members should bring unloaded firearms in the trunk of the car or bed of truck and remain in the vehicle at all times. Guns will be removed from vehicles by a volunteer and delivered to the chop saw operator, who will disable the firearm. Scrap metal from the firearms will then be donated and go to a metal artist to be later transformed into garden tools and other works of art. The identity of those relinquishing firearms can remain anonymous.

What:       NH Guns to Gardens Event

When:      Saturday, June 10th, 10 AM – 2 PM

Where:     Wesley United Methodist Church, 79 Clinton St, Concord, NH

How:        Learn more details about the Guns to Garden event and how it works

Members of the media interested in attending should contact by Friday at 4:00 PM. The event is not open for general public or media viewing.


The NH Gun Violence Prevention Coalition has worked together for the last decade to protect and advance common sense public safety laws. Members include gun violence prevention advocates, moms, medical professionals, gun owners, veterans, law enforcement, elected officials, school administrators, educators, students, and faith leaders, and organizations representing various constituencies.  The coalition is convened by GunSense NH, a project of Granite State Progress.

NH LGBTQI+, Progressive, Youth Organizations Praise White House For Announcing Coordinator to Protect LGBTQI+ Youth From Book Bans, Among Other Efforts Announced During Pride Month

New Hampshire organizations note importance of move in light of several local book ban attempts in the Live Free or Die state

CONCORD, NH – Today, the White House announced a new coordinator to protect LGBTQI+ students from book bans. This is an important step as the banning of books has a negative impact on youth, make it harder for kids to learn, and may violate civil rights laws. 

Members of New Hampshire youth, progressive, and LGBTQI+ organizations issued the following statements:

“Thankfully, communities across New Hampshire are calling out book bans for the thinly veiled attacks on LGBTQI+ people they are – whether it’s protesting DeSantis’ policies with a banned book reading, launching a local petition to successfully block a censorship law, or asking neighbors to speak out against censorship at local school board meetings,” said Linds Jakows, co-founder of 603 Equality, an emerging statewide LGBTQI+ advocacy group. “School and community libraries should be safe havens, however we’ve seen increasingly violent threats over books and inclusive family events like drag story hours, even to the point of some events being forced to cancel. These violent threats in New Hampshire come from local white supremacists, including the Proud Boys. It’s going to take all of us to continue to ensure people of all races, genders, and sexual orientations can read, speak, and express themselves freely.”

“We are thankful that in New Hampshire, when a lone book-banner or two attempts to manufacture outrage against LGBTQI+ or non-white stories, communities have quickly shown up to stop censorship and instead demonstrate the strong, inclusive, and welcoming communities we deserve,” said Sarah Robinson, Education Justice Director with Granite State Progress. “Public education and libraries are the bedrock of our democracy, and attempts to use book bans to drive a wedge between parents and their local public schools by targeting LGBTQI+ youth or other students are being rightly rejected here. We are thankful for the White House stepping up to ensure additional support for communities facing these attacks.”

“Part of supporting LGBTQI+ youth is ensuring they have access to materials where they can see themselves represented,” said Jessica Goff, Community Outreach and Education Coordinator with Seacoast Outright. “This Pride Month, we are grateful the administration has made the freedom to read about people like us, and different from us, a priority.”  

“We saw through the NH ‘banned concepts’ law for attempting to limit what students can learn about our history. Now, we are showing up to school board meetings to tell them we should be strengthening school library resources, not limiting them,” said Erika Perez, Political Director with New Hampshire Youth Movement. “While some in New Hampshire believe that ‘live free’ stops at public schools’ and libraries’ doors, we are meeting the moment to stop book bans, and we’re glad to have the White House commit to joining that work.”


“People’s Budget” Coalition Urges NH Senate, House, to Pass State Budget That Invests In People and Communities

 Organizations call for a state budget that invests in our communities’ health, education, recovery, opportunity, and vitality

CONCORD, NH – Members of the People’s Budget Coalition will gather on Wednesday, June 7th  and Thursday June 8th at 9 AM ahead of the New Hampshire State Senate and House votes (respectively) on the budget, to advocate for a budget that adequately funds people’s needs, including education, housing, health care, and the environment, and to speak out against harmful spending like the funding proposed for the Northern Border Alliance.

“Granite Staters are not safer or better cared for when our representatives choose to divert much needed funds into unnecessary northern border enforcement and school voucher programs instead of funding affordable housing, public education, and healthcare to the amounts needed for state agencies to do their jobs well,” said Grace Kindeke, NH Program Coordinator for the American Friends Service Committee which convenes the People’s Budget Coalition. “Our communities deserve a state budget that values our health, education, and opportunity. We urge lawmakers to listen and prioritize investments that will strengthen New Hampshire communities and not rush to pass a budget that includes harmful provisions simply to score political points.” 

Specifically, the coalition has sent letters to Senators and Representatives advocating for: 

  • Increasing public safety by removing Sections 477-480 regarding the Northern Border Alliance from the budget. The House removed a proposed $1.4 million originally included in the budget to establish a “Northern Border Alliance Program” and the Senate Finance Committee restored the funding.
  • Maintaining changes to Section 49-51: $40 million of the proposed $50 million “deposit” on the construction of a new prison was pulled from the House version of HB 2. This is good news, and we urge Senators to oppose any effort to reinstate the money. Since 2014, New Hampshire’s prison population has declined 35 percent and crime has decreased over 31 percent, showing that we can safely reduce our prison population without harming public safety.
  • Restoring House Passed HB 2 Sections 372-373: These sections would have appropriated $1 million to develop a real time system to ensure that individuals making bail determinations know whether an individual seeking bail is currently on release for another alleged offense. Unlike the one-size-fits-all SB 252 and SB 249, which have passed the Senate and would lead to the needless, mandatory incarceration of thousands of Granite Staters each year, this funding is a targeted approach to ensure that people are not granted bail without the court first knowing whether the individual is on release for another alleged offense.
  • Restoring House Passed HB 2 Sections 441-442: These sections would have required state, county, or municipal law enforcement to provide the public with up to 24 hours’ notice when they find out that a federal agency intends to conduct an immigration checkpoint. This notice requirement would be similar to the advanced notice that is provided for sobriety checkpoints, which, as the Attorney General has noted, is important to “minimize[] motorist surprise, apprehension and inconvenience.”
  • Retaining the provisions as passed by the House in Sections 157-162 that were added by Floor Amendment 20223-1336h, reinstating fiscal capacity disparity aid and aid targeted at high-need school districts. This aid had been cut by the Governor and House Finance Committee in their budget proposals and replaced with a formula that would have increased aid to wealthier districts while leaving more needy districts with less.
  • Supporting the Senate Finance passed Section 138 Education Trust Fund. This undoes the harm done by the “Weyler Amendment” in the House passed budget. Removing Section 138 E referring to payments to the state’s school voucher program. The state has a constitutional duty to support public school districts that it still has not met, which is why the Education Trust Fund was created. Vouchers should not be funded from this source.
  • Restoring the $75M in school building aid that was in the Governor’s budget, and further use this budget to commit to a comprehensive school funding solution that works for every student, property taxpayer, and community in New Hampshire, instead of continuing to downshift $2.3 billion of education expenses to property taxpayers every year, in violation of the NH Constitution. Every community deserves fully funded, quality public schools students and families can count on. 
  • Increasing funding for public transportation and the New Hampshire Department of Transportation to electrify buses and bolster usage of our transit.
  • Adding funding for grid modernization, weatherization, and energy efficiency to decrease energy costs for NH residents and decrease our overall demand for energy.
  • Adding funding for utility cost support and expanding outreach to homes that cannot afford their electricity due to rising costs.
  • Adding investments in renewable energy including incentives for homeowners to upgrade heating and cooling systems to heat pumps.
  • Ensuring a NH government of, by, and for Granite Staters by keeping current campaign finance limits, and removing line item #595 from the budget. This amendment would allow for unlimited campaign contributions to candidates or candidate committees, allowing out-of-state elite donors and wealthy interest groups to drown out the voices of everyday Granite Staters and pay for policy. NH’s government belongs to the people, and local Granite Staters should be making decisions about local matterns in our state. 
  • Ensuring permanent reauthorization of expanded Medicaid, which now has a proven track record of benefits for the state, as well as widespread support from businesses, hospitals, and other health care providers. 

Campaign representatives expressed their support for a People’s Budget for New Hampshire:

Lisa Demaine, Co-Executive Director, 350 New Hampshire

“If our state elected officials truly value a future for the next generations, they will prioritize investments in renewable energy, grid modernization, utility bill aid, energy efficiency, and public transportation. Every Granite Stater, from our southern cities to rural folks, needs a sustainable and livable future. We demand that our elected officials listen to those struggling to pay their utility bills, those who want to use public transit, and those who want to work in clean energy.” 

Olivia Zink, Executive Director, Open Democracy Action
“Ensure a NH government of, by, and for Granite Staters by keeping current campaign finance limits, and removing amendment #2023-2021s or line item #595 from the budget. This amendment would allow for unlimited campaign contributions to candidate or candidate committees, allowing out of state elite donors and wealthy interest groups to drown out the voices of everyday Granite Staters and pay for policy.”

Sarah Robinson, Education Justice Campaign Director, Granite State Progress
“Every student, from Nashua to the North Country, deserves the same opportunity to learn and thrive in fully funded, strong and inclusive public schools. Our state budget currently puts property-rich towns ahead of others instead of investing in our state as a whole. It’s time for our elected officials to make the budget priorities that are best for all Granite State students. We also must stop sending hard-earned tax dollars to unaccountable school privatization schemes that are allowed to discriminate against students.” 

Sebastián Fuentes, NH Movement Politics Director, Rights & Democracy
“There is no evidence unauthorized crossings are happening at the New Hampshire Canadian border. We cannot allow racist fearmongering about immigrants to enable the expansion of government surveillance and policing at the border. Giving immigration enforcement capabilities to local law enforcement is dangerous, negligent, and will cause harm to businesses and communities. The North Country of New Hampshire does not want this. This is just a screen to get political points. The Senate must follow the House’s lead in rejecting this funding and the politics of fear and division.” 

Frank Knaack, Policy Director, ACLU-New Hampshire
“No one has been able to show any evidence of any unauthorized border crossings in New Hampshire, and yet lawmakers are still using fear-based rhetoric to justify a massive expansion of police power and surveillance at taxpayer expense. Worse, the policies they propose have been shown in study after study to have negative impacts on public safety. We urge state lawmakers voting on the budget this week to oppose this dangerous proposal.”

Deb Howes, President AFT-NH “Every Granite State student deserves a fully funded public school where they feel welcome, can learn and thrive. Our students deserve small class sizes, expert teachers, learning support from paraeducators and robust curriculum that will prepare them for this century.”

“The Senate budget proposal has some positive things, like restoration of the Education Trust Fund which shows the Legislatures’ intention to protect state funding for public education from competing with non-education programs. It would go further in showing that commitment if the Senate removed the controversial school voucher program which pays for private education, homeschooling and other private education related expenses through a debit card like system from the restored Education Trust Fund.” 

“The Senate’s public education aid and grants formula does not provide enough funding for towns with low property tax bases but not large populations such as Berlin, Franklin, Rochester and Claremont. We need a formula that meets the needs of all the students in our public schools, not just the large cities and property wealthy towns. The House funding formula is fairer, getting more help to more students in more districts who need it. I urge the Senate to work in the best interest of the 165,000 public school students who are relying on them. Now is the time to put us on a better path and come closer to actually keeping that commitment to cherish – and fund –  public education laid out in the NH Constitution.”


The NH People’s Budget Campaign formed during the 2021 budget process to address concerns over an unfair and inadequate state budget. The campaign includes diverse voices from the American Friends Service Committee, the American Civil Liberties Union, NH Youth Movement, the NH Council of Churches, 350NH, and NH Voices of Faith, among other organizations. Members advocate for an inclusive and equitable state budget and create opportunities for New Hampshire residents to engage in the state budget process and make their voices heard.  Read the full campaign demands here.

NH House Indefinitely Postpones Bill That Would Have Forcibly “Outed” LGBTQ+ Students

Group of LGBTQ+, public education, health care, and child welfare advocates celebrate defeat of SB 272, forced outing of LGBTQ+ student bill that targeted transgender students

Advocates Declare “Victory for Questioning and LGBTQ+ Students”

CONCORD, NH – Today, the New Hampshire State House voted 195-190 to defeat SB 272, a so-called “parental bill of rights” that would have required forced outing about students who are questioning or part of the LGBTQ community.

“Questioning and LGBTQ+ students can breathe a sigh of relief today that schools in New Hampshire will continue to be places where they can safely be who they are,” said Linds Jakows, Founder of 603 Equality. “State Representatives did the right thing and listened to the voices of LGBTQ+ teens, especially closeted teens with unsupportive families. New Hampshire schools must remain places where all students, including LGBTQ students, can live free and learn.” 

Statements from LGBTQ+, public education, and child welfare advocates:

“Today the House reaffirmed our New Hampshire’s bedrock values of freedom and fairness for all,” said Chris Erchull, Attorney at GLBTQ Legal Advocates & Defenders. “We’re grateful to the legislators who carefully considered SB 272, heard the stories of LGBTQ youth and their families, and concluded it is an unnecessary and dangerous bill that singles out transgender and gender nonconforming students for targeted surveillance. Parents already have opportunities to partner with schools on the education of their children, as they should. Rejecting legislation that would take away important sources of safety and support from kids is the right move for New Hampshire.”

“We are overjoyed that the New Hampshire House stood up for keeping public schools places where all Granite State students can feel safe by voting down SB 272,” said Deb Howes, President of AFT-New Hampshire. “We shouldn’t be adding ‘informant’ to teachers’ job descriptions. Teachers don’t want to be enlisted in culture wars. They want to be there to support all students when students need it. It’s up to the Legislature to support our students, parents, teachers and public schools, not put them in a position of surveillance.”

Rev. Heidi Carrington Heath, Executive Director, NH Council of Churches, said, “The defeat of SB 272 today is a faithful move to support all of New Hampshire’s students, particularly LGBTQ+ students who are especially at risk. We believe every child is made in the image of God and deserve access to spaces and places where they can thrive. Ensuring students can engage in sacred conversations about identity on a timeline of their own choosing allows that to happen. The parent-child relationship is built on trust, and not unnecessary interference.” 

“We thank the members of the House who once again voted against advancing this harmful legislation, which would have unfairly targeted and discriminated against LGBTQ+ youth in New Hampshire,” said Courtney Reed, Policy Advocate at the ACLU of New Hampshire. “Granite State students should not have to fear being themselves at school and deserve to be able to talk about their identities when and if they are ready. In New Hampshire, all students belong–and we thank lawmakers for reinforcing that value today.”

Erin George-Kelly, Director of Youth Services with Waypoint said, “Today the New Hampshire House stood up for children when it refused to pass a harmful bill, SB 272. People may assume that establishing something called a “parents’ bill of rights” means connecting loving, caring, and supportive parents with what is occurring within their child’s educational setting. However, the reality is that the passage of this bill would have put some of LGBTQ+ children in danger of neglect and abuse at home, or of homelessness because their parents do not approve of or accept their sexual orientation or gender identity. New Hampshire’s youth deserve better and today we are thankful the House voted to defeat SB 272.”

“We applaud House members for sending a strong message today that LGBTQ+ students belong in New Hampshire and in our schools,” said Sarah Robinson, Education Justice Campaign Director with Granite State Progress. “This vote is exactly in line with school board election and town meeting results across the state, where voters have overwhelmingly rejected attacks on LGBTQ+ students and instead supported the freedom for every student to have a safe, affirming learning environment.”

“We are delighted that a bipartisan majority of Representatives saw this bill for what it truly was – an attempt to target LGBTQ+ students and educators – and voted to defeat it. SB 272 would have poisoned the trusting relationship parents and educators have cultivated in New Hampshire and put our LGBTQ+ students at risk. We are pleased with today’s vote,” said Megan Tuttle, NEA-New Hampshire President. “As educators, we want all students to have the freedom to be themselves and pursue their dreams,” said Tuttle.

“Today, we won because LGBTQ teens and young adults told their most personal stories to the New Hampshire House – and representatives listened,” said Erika Perez, Political Director, New Hampshire Youth Movement. “Today, representatives saw this bill for what it always was, a false frame designed to target LGBTQ+ youth.”  

“We’re all breathing a sigh of relief today that schools will remain safe for New Hampshire’s LGBTQ+ youth,” said Jessica Goff, Community Outreach and Education Coordinator with Seacoast Outright. “We thank every representative who voted for students to freely express who they are.”

“The health and well-being of our state’s LGBTQ+ youth is safe today because representatives refused to play into a false frame that would have allowed parents to sue individual teachers – with no limit to how long after the student has left the school,” said Liz Canada, Advocacy Director of Planned Parenthood New Hampshire Action Fund. “We thank all legislators who protected the lives and futures of LGBTQ teens by voting down SB 272.”
